Our Story


Brittni is a Jesus follower, wife to Matthew and mama to 3 kids plus a fur-baby currently residing in the arid desert of Phoenix. She loves being active and running and being outdoors, especially at the beach and in the mountains. Brittni has always had a passion for health and wellness- geeking out on nutrition, fitness and non-toxic living. Her heart is to make the world a better place for her kids and community. 

Brittni discovered Tallow balm a few years back and after learning all the health benefits, she decided to give it a try. After one use and feeling how soft her skin was, she was hooked! Brittni then started making her own Tallow balm and shared it with some family and friends. She is so excited to join her sister who has complimentary gifts of design and aesthetic to her organizational, logistical mind. 


Kristi is the little sister who also loves Jesus and is a wife to Justin and mama to Koko and Gunner the runner (doggie). She has always had an eye for beauty and design which translated into a business doing hair and makeup for the best brides around! Kristi enjoys going to the gym, eating great food and sharing her infectious laugh with anyone within 10 feet of her. She has learned a lot about clean eating and a healthy lifestyle and makes a great effort to serve her family and friends any chance she gets with healthy cooking and delicious treats. 

Kristi’s journey to finding Tallow balm was very similar to Brittni’s. She tried Brittni’s tallow and said “Let’s start a business and sell this stuff,” and the rest is kinda history. 

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man's heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.”

‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3‬:‭11‬ ‭ESV‬‬